If you're facing these challenges in teaching reading...

You're worried because your child needs to read English to enter Grade 1, but it often takes 2 to 3 years for a child to learn to read. You may not have the time or the expertise to teach them, and constant distractions from gadgets and social media don't help.

Teacher Vicki

The Founder & Developer of the Instant Reader Program

Teacher Vicki

Teacher Vicki, the esteemed Read in 20 Days Program creator, is a celebrated Reading Specialist with 31 years of experience. A distinguished alumna of both the University of the Philippines Los Baños and the Blackforde Centre for Dyslexia in the UK, she has successfully taught reading to over 37,000 students globally. Her mission is to harness early reading to enhance children's intelligence and confidence during crucial brain development stages

Mommy Catherine successfully taught her 5 year old daughter to read in 20 days!

Don't miss the golden years for your child's brain development

Our Read in 20 Days program is your chance to make a lasting impact on their learning journey. Let's get them reading now!